
Web Designer vs. Web Developer: A Career Guide to Help You Decide [Infographic]

When it comes to your future, there’s one thing you’re sure about: your passion for technology. That’s what makes you a great candidate for a career behind a computer screen! But the next step gets a bit tricky. If you’re like many others in your shoes, it’s difficult to decide between becoming a web designer versus a web developer.

These two titles look similar at first glance but each has its own distinct responsibilities and deliverables. Knowing the difference between them is critical to making the right career decision.

Put simply, web designers work on the front end of a site, or, the part users can see and interact with. Web developers, on the other hand, work on the back end of a site, writing the code that allows the website to function.

These individuals work hand-in-hand to create beautiful, fully functioning websites, but these jobs require people with very different skillsets. They also require different education and experience levels; and they offer very different opportunities.

Here’s an infographic to help clear up any misconceptions you may have regarding these commonly confused careers. In the battle of web designer versus web developer—only YOU can decide who wins!


Written by Fribly Editorial

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  1. This whole infographic is just plain wrong. There is NO right/left side for analytics/design. That is an utter lie propagated by the uninformed.

    Everything else is bullshit too. How do I know?

    Unlike the author I have been doing both of these since the late 90s. Why 20 year old kids get paid to write such crap is beyond me.

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