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Smooth as Butter: Achieving 60 FPS Animations with CSS3

Animating elements in your mobile applications is easy. Animating elements in your mobile applications properly may be easy, too… if you follow these tips here.
While everyone is using CSS3 animations in mobile these days, many are not doing it properly. There are best practices to take into account that are constantly and considerably disregarded. This happens mainly because there are still people who don’t really understand the real reasons why those practices exist and are so vigorously endorsed.

There is such a large spectrum of device specifications nowadays, that if you don’t optimize your code to consider this, instead of animations that are smooth as butter, you’ll end up delivering a subpar experience to the highest share.



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Written by Fribly Editorial

Fribly is a digital magazine where we will share useful and awesome stuff for your inspiration and benefit.
We will hope to bring you daily resources and inspiration from all around the web. You just sit back and enjoy, and we will do all the search work for you. We will strive to find the best and most useful stuff out there.

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