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Mega Dropdown

One of the most challenging part when you’re working on a web projects with lots of content is to make it easy for a user to navigate through this content. One example we can all think of is Amazon: infinite categories, each one with its own sub-categories… that’s why they currently provide an easy-to-access navigation, in the form of a mega-dropdown element on the top-left corner of the page.

So here’s a responsive and easy to customize mega-dropdown component. The menu has been done purely in CSS, jQuery only used to listen to click events.

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Written by Fribly Editorial

Fribly is a digital magazine where we will share useful and awesome stuff for your inspiration and benefit.
We will hope to bring you daily resources and inspiration from all around the web. You just sit back and enjoy, and we will do all the search work for you. We will strive to find the best and most useful stuff out there.

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