
Exo 2.0 Free Contemporary Geometric Sans Serif Font

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Exo 2.0 is an elegant, contemporary geometric sans serif typeface. For Exo 2.0, every single glyph has been redesigned from scratch to achieve maximum legibility without compromising on the aesthetics. Exo 2.0 has a more organic look and increased contrast, so it performs much better at small font sizes and on long passages of text. The fatigue of the reader is reduced by increasing the white space around the glyphs. Exo 2.0 is released under the SIL Open Font License 1.1.

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Written by Fribly Editorial

Fribly is a digital magazine where we will share useful and awesome stuff for your inspiration and benefit.
We will hope to bring you daily resources and inspiration from all around the web. You just sit back and enjoy, and we will do all the search work for you. We will strive to find the best and most useful stuff out there.

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